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  • Can I record a voice-over even if I've never recorded in a studio?

    Of course! The studio is open to everyone, so if you feel you can record your text, go for it! The thing to keep in mind is that voice-over is a profession that requires rigor, precision and voice control. Diction, intonation, breathing... all these things need to be worked on before getting behind the microphone. Sometimes it's better to leave the recording of a voice over to professionals, as they're very efficient at recording and their chameleon voices are capable of great things.

    Listen to the demos of the voiceover artists we work with, and then decide whether you'd rather go to a pro or do it yourself!


  • Am I assisted by a sound engineer during the recording of my podcast or my voice-over?

    Yes, and not just any sound engineer! 

    All our sound engineers are handpicked and trained to advise and guide the people who record, all in a considerate way. Because even if the main purpose is to achieve the best quality recording possible, it's also important to work in good conditions and with real professionals 😉

  • Can I get a professional voice-over to record my text?


    We can put you in touch with one of our voice-overs, whose job it is, if you don't necessarily feel like getting behind the microphone. It's an art after all!

    You can check out our voiceover team right here:



  • Do I need to record my podcast in a professional studio?

    No, not necessarily! But in that case you need to have good equipment at home, to record in an acoustically treated room (to avoid echoes for example), and master the recording software.

    What you have to understand is that, to record a qualitative podcast, you can't leave anything to chance. It would be a pity to lose credibility because you were too close to the microphone or because of unpleasant crackling sounds for example... The best thing to do is to record in a microphone specially designed for this purpose, in an acoustically isolated room, and to work with a professional sound engineer who will be able to advise you and record you correctly. You will have to remove all the "hums", the "er's", the unavoidable mouth noises, in addition to treating your voice to make it as pleasant as possible to listen to. It's a lot of work, but if you know how to do it, there's no stopping you!

  • What microphones are used in the studio for podcasts and voice-overs?

    Our podcast mics are Shure SM7Bs, which can be set up around a table in Studio A. If you're recording alone, you can also do it sitting on the couch in the same studio... Or standing in the vocal booth of studio A with the Brauner VM1 microphone! That's the one we use most often to record voice-overs by the way.


Need professionals to record your text?


📞 +331 84 20 01 43

✉️ contact@hedayatmusic.com 

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